Quik Response Training Institute
Quik Response Training Institute





Do you want an Enhanced Concealed Carry class in your town?

If you have 8 or more for the class, a place to hold the classroom, and a place to shoot (anywhere safe will do - I bring a portable target rack)


I will come to you! I will also advertise locally. Contact me for details!  

South Dakota now offers 3 levels of concealed carry permit. White (shall issue), Gold (Bypass ATF Backgournd check) and Blue (Enhanced- honored by more states and bypass TAF backgorund check)) 


What is the Gold Card - updated info - click here?


Important Note: For my Enhanced Concealed Carry class I ask that you have some basic handgun skills before signing up for the class. The class is not designed for entry level instruction however we do cover basic handgun opeations and skills, it is not a hands on instruction class. When you get to the range for the shooting qualification it is assumed you can safetly load - fire - and unload your own firearm. Thank you (sign up for an NRA Basic Pistol class or get private instruction) 



NOTICE to consumers*  Beware of Online and out of state training groups


1. To be a certified Enhanced Carry instructor you MUST be a SD resident. To qualify as an instructor you MUST have a valid SD Carry Permit and SD does NOT issue out of state permits. Instructors must also have current NRA Basic Pistol credentials.


A number of outside training groups are soliciting SD Certified Instructors to work for them as part time employees. My advice is simple, as long as you are required to sit through the class, learn some new skills. Many outside instructors simply do the absolute minumum training in the class so you trade money for a permit, and they couldn't care less about you after they take your money. I want you to be the survivor if you are ever involved in a firearm incident and I take that responsibility very seriously.  click here to find out if the instructor is currently certified


2. NO online courses have been authorized by the State. The shooting requirement makes online courses impossible. 


NEXT CLASS:           

            Click here for details



     Click here for latest reciprocity map for South Dakota 


For a complete list of states that honor SD Enhanced Permit Click Here



Other states that previously honored the "shall issue" permit will now honor both South Dakota permits. Negotiations for enhanced reciprocity are in the works. Click Here for Encahnced Concealed Pistol Information. 


Follow the tabs at the top and see what is invoved in each class and what training is offered. Basic Handgun (NRA), Self Defense in the Home (NRA), Encahanced Concealed Pistol (South Dakota requirement for new permit), Basic Muzzle Loading through Muzzle Loading Instructor Training (NMLRA). 

Contact Us Today!

Quik Response Training Institute
822 East 41st St
Suite 200
Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone: +1 605 951 0083 +1 605 951 0083

E-mail: kevinj605@gmail.com



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